Terrorism – That wont affect our organisation

That wont affect our organisation. Im often told in the planning discussions with HR or Facilities when they book me that terrorism isn’t one of the areas that needs covering in the ...

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Lockdown Door Jammer

Lockdown Door Jammer

For those that have been on my workshops or webinars you will know I love a doorstop. Great for personal security I have just done a review of the big brother/sister of doorstops. HERE

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Lone Wolf Attacks

Unfortunately the west should prepare for more of these ‘lone wolf’ type attacks. I have just written a piece for the Tactics Institute on this type of terrorist attack and why its ...

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Driver Raped

It is so easy for good people to be duped into letting their guard down. Awareness is at the centre of everything I teach but it can be so difficult to make it your 1st reaction. In some ...

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New online crime map

Increased awareness is always welcome but am I wrong to be sceptical about some of these initiatives. I don’t doubt that most involved have the very best of intentions but there will ...

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Abuse is about Power

Often its about power. When there is an imbalance in power (or the perception of power) bad people see an opportunity. This has been seen in relationships, disaster relief, charities, child and ...

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Spiked Drinks

I discussed the problem of spiked drinks in one of my books and its always on the agenda at my workshops. Many are surprised at the number of these stories of their own or friends experiences ...

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Dont do this

This is why I sometimes despair at the state of self defence training. For those that follow me you will know I have strongly held beliefs about self defence training and why when teaching ...

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I didnt want to get involved

People often say to me ” I wouldnt get involved”. The sad reality is this is how easily violence escalates from nothing to everything. The sucker punch that causes the violence to ...

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What do HR know nothing about

What do HR know nothing about

What issues are your people having with their personal safety that you know nothing about. Where is the safest place to sit? Where are you most at risk? Surprising maybe, as travelling is ...

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