Recent moped gang robberies have hit the headlines and I have received a number of questions on how they should be defended and what to do. Please see the video clip here for the full information
If you need cash, then the local bank cashpoints are often used. One of the great advantages of cashpoints of course is that you can travel the world cashless these days and just get local currency at any cashpoint. Long gone in the distant past is the idea of traveller’s cheques, in fact when I…
When looking at safety and security of the teams I work with everyone wants to concentrate on International travel and the associated risks such as discussing female travellers on business in Dubai or the fraud risks in some African and East European countries. However one thing that the majority of people who work in London…
WWOOOOAAAHHHHH steady on you cannot write that!!!!! Don’t worry I know the title might not be suitable for a business post but I am happy my wife can read this without me being kicked out of the house. The red tops have been using headlines like that for years to get you to read a…
That Hotel Door – Is it Safe So there we are in Thailand for some additional training in MuayThai the famous Thai boxing and some fun in the sun. Now this is often the time that your natural defences start to lower. A little bit f sun and a change from your usual routine and…
With the cold nights rapidly approaching, more and more of us will be looking to catch a Taxi. Normally as long as we are fairly alert then a registered taxi is often the safest way of travelling late at night. However as with everything the bad guys in society also know we think this and…
Well amongst all the headlines in the news this one caught my attention. Partly because its a little bit hyped and partly because its probably true Full Story here. Now it might seem strange that this type of story gets into the news but we all love a bit of scare mongering which has an…
We in the west can become flippant with the realities of our freedoms that we take for granted. It can sometimes be a huge wake up call as we travel, work or holiday abroad only to find that the norms we take for granted do not apply. Remember what we believe is our reality it might not be someone elses be…
At an airport – where is it safe to meet or grab a coffee? With the latest awful news pouring out of Brussels I would like to take this opportunity to remind people of one of the main principles of airport safety. You don’t have to be an airline gold card holder to be travelling…