Tony was recently interviewed by the editor of Business Travel iQ Amanda Greenwood about how to engage staff in risk analysis and not just leave risk assessments as a dead file somewhere on a server. Story Telling in risk assessments Full Article Here
That is not of course strictly true, the lawyers may read them after someone makes a claim and your risk, audit or HR dept. may check they exist probably once every year when they do their tick box exercise, they may even check their required headings are there but I bet they do not read…
Recent moped gang robberies have hit the headlines and I have received a number of questions on how they should be defended and what to do. Please see the video clip here for the full information
If you need cash, then the local bank cashpoints are often used. One of the great advantages of cashpoints of course is that you can travel the world cashless these days and just get local currency at any cashpoint. Long gone in the distant past is the idea of traveller’s cheques, in fact when I…
Stairways and Elevators have advantages and disadvantages. Basically, an elevator is a box. In fact, it’s a box with a restricted entrance and exit that will only open under certain circumstances. If you are in the elevator with someone else, you need to realise that any avenue of escape doesn’t exist. So, if you are…
When looking at safety and security of the teams I work with everyone wants to concentrate on International travel and the associated risks such as discussing female travellers on business in Dubai or the fraud risks in some African and East European countries. However one thing that the majority of people who work in London…
WWOOOOAAAHHHHH steady on you cannot write that!!!!! Don’t worry I know the title might not be suitable for a business post but I am happy my wife can read this without me being kicked out of the house. The red tops have been using headlines like that for years to get you to read a…
The missing bag As we get to the desk we put our laptop bag or briefcase down beside our case and start explaining to the receptionist who we are. It’s an everyday occurrence and most of us are fairly relaxed as we are now in a hotel environment, often have travelled for hours and are…
In the UK to gain emergency assistance you simply dial 999, however what if you cant speak at that time ….. What can you do so that the call is treated as an emergency and not just terminated. Due to the number of calls taken by the emergency services not all calls made to 999…