Last week I had the absolute pleasure of travelling to Luxembourg once again, this time to deliver a presentation at the European Commission. Speaking, training and coaching people is just me doing what I love, the same as I do every day of every week – Now that’s lucky
For the past ten years I have been running my own business. A business that has successfully grown each and every year to the extent that at the beginning of this year we had to restructure and split my speaking engagements off from the rest of the business. Now, fortunately for me and the people I work with I love what I do, its been a passion of mine for years, in fact ever since I was a young teenager.
So anyway there I was on a train at 6am travelling to London City airport, Luxembourg and back in a day is easily achievable and tied in nicely with coaching commitments for the day either side of my trip. Me, I was happy sitting there on the train going through in my mind how I could make the presentation more relevant for that particular audience, but a quick look around the carriage and I started to actually feel sorry for my fellow passengers. A train into London from where I live is always about 98% commuters and boy did they look miserable.
OK so I get it, commuting isn’t a blast, its not the best trip you will ever make but come on guys is this really how you want to spend your lives. I’m not suggesting that working in the city is a bad choice, it isn’t – simple as that. For years I worked in the city and loved it and in return it provided me a very wealthy lifestyle.
It also has a buzz and pressure local employment is often missing but then I loved the work I was doing back then. If you don’t and you hate it I bet you aren’t doing too well in your current position, If you don’t enjoy 7 to 10 hours of your day then its a sure bet you aren’t delivering effectively during that period.
Now I’m older and as I look back its easy to realise that time goes so quickly, make the most of it, find your passion and explore it, enjoy it.
Don’t be the person in their old age or on their deathbed who says I wish I had done …..
No one at the end of their days ever said I wish I had stayed and done a few more hours overtime at the office in the job I hated.
If you want to be truly successful then find your passion