Page 10 - Business Travel
P. 10

8      Entertaining

        For those drinking in crowded places that you are unfamiliar   Drugs can leave you in a state that leaves you unprotected for
        with remember the drink aware campaigns that ran a couple   a huge range of crimes from pickpocketing, cashpoint theft,
        of years ago. These campaigns highlighted the issue of   through kidnapping to rape. Total collapse may not be the
        someone adding something to your drink.               desired effect from the attacker. They may prefer a state of
                                                              relaxed compliance so that suspicion isn’t raised if staff at the
        Assume these warnings were only for single young females   venue are not involved.
        out partying and you make the mistake of risking your life.
        They apply to everyone regardless of status, occupation, sex   Drugs like this can be easily added to drinks by either the bar
        or position.                                          staff or someone tampering with a drink especially after a
                                                              couple of alcoholic drinks have had their effect, so you don’t
        There are many drugs that when added to a drink leave you   notice.
        appearing drunk, confused or possibly unconscious. These
        drugs are readily available and include Rohypnol, GHB and   Open topped drinks are a significant risk area especially
        ketamine which are probably the most discussed. The time it   when left while you go to the toilet, dancefloor or leave them
        takes for the drugs to take effect differs and so does the time   unattended in any other way.
        they remain active. Depending on the drug and the amount
        used you might seem drunk which is why people including   As with many assaults the principle of splitting the heard is
        security staff sometimes don’t come to your aid.      the method of many assailants. So, if out for a drink with
                                                              colleagues in the evening be additionally alert if you are
        These substances are sometimes known as date rape drugs,   separated from the group. Once no longer part of the group
        but experts prefer the designation drug-facilitated sexual   you are potentially a future victim.
        assault, but in fact they don’t only lead to sexual assaults and
        definitely not just sexual assaults on young women.

                                                                                                  Across England &
                                                                                                   Wales there were

                                                                                                     2650 reported
                                                                                                  incidents of drinks

                                                                                              being spiked between
                                                                                                  2015-2019 72% of
                                                                                                   who were female

                                                                                                (Robinson, B. 2019).

    10 of the biggest risks of business travel
    © Tony Willis 2020
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