Page 6 - Business Travel
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An 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck

                                                                               near Toyo, Japan (Haridasani, A .2011)
          4      Natural disasters                                            triggering tsunami warnings across the

                                                                                region and closing Japanese airports.

        Natural disasters can occur without warning but very often   essential, while understanding the process and plan of how
        they are, if not predicted then thought to be highly likely.   to extract yourself or be extracted is key and should be
        Earthquakes, tsunami, forest fires and floods as well as many   understood beforehand.
        other natural issues could easily leave your people stranded
        without transport, shelter, or provisions.            Planning in advance and everyone knowing that a plan not
                                                              only exists but how to activate it, manage it and adjust it as
        The timeline of how to plan and manage through a natural   events develop is essential. Who within your organisation is
        disaster is significant. Firstly, there is preparedness and   responsible for any of your staff in the vicinity or who may
        planning (which of course should be in your country risk   otherwise be affected by a natural disaster? Do you have an
        assessment), there is the actual incident which for both those   emergency policy, possibly as part of your insurance that
        directly involved and their family at home can be terrifying.   enables you to contact an external agency or does someone
        Then there is the period of time immediately following the   in house manage the situation? Who does what and when
        incident and the following week.                      must be known beforehand.

        Following the incident people who survived may be at risk   It is important to recognise that indirect events may impact or
        due to a second incident, falling buildings, lawlessness,   affect your people and organisation. For example, a
        dehydration, or medical issues. What action plan for those   manufacturing centre could be destroyed, or staff could be
        involved and communication plan is there for dealing with   isolated due to lack of international travel as often happens
        relatives of your staff who survived, missing, or confirmed   following a volcanic eruption.

        Depending on the incident it could be the environment as
        well as other people that are going to cause you immediate   Following the 2005 floods in New Orleans there were
        and further harm. It’s easy to assume that everyone pulls     reports of rape, murder and violence (Rezaeian, M.
        together for the greater good following a disaster but that         2013) although later it appeared these were
        may not be the case. Rape, assault, robbery and looting may   exaggerated (Smith-Spark, L. 2005). 2 of the 14 bodies
        be some people’s response.
                                                                    at the convention centre used as a shelter during the
                                                                      disaster were found with gunshot wounds and the
        If unprepared, then knowing how to keep safe from further
        natural developments as well as your surroundings is      Louisiana Foundation against sexual assault stressed
                                                                   that just because a rape hasn’t been reported to police

    10 of the biggest risks of business travel                                          doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
    © Tony Willis 2020
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